- What are the qualifications for IPA Membership?
Individuals and companies which are actively engaged in the oil and gas industry, including oil and gas producers, gasoline manufacturers, refiners, carriers, contractors, marketers of oil products, suppliers, service companies and others interested in the oil and gas industry may all become members of the association.
- What are the benefits of IPA membership?
The Benefits of your membership are access to the latest news on the oil and gas industry in Indonesia, information (and reduced rates) for attendance at special events and courses, reduced fees for attending the annual Convention and Exhibition and access to specialised industry technical papers that are published on the IPA website . You can contact IPA Secretariat Staff for further details of membership benefits. - How much are the annual dues for Company membership?
Member companies pay annual dues based on the company categorization. The annual fees for Producing companies is IDR 200,000,000 and the annual fees for Non-Producing Companies is IDR 65,000,000 .The Association is financed through these annual contributions from companies and individuals. - How much are the annual dues for Associate membership?
Companies providing services to the oil and gas industry may apply to become Associate Members of the Association with annual fees of IDR 13,500,000
- Can an individual join the IPA as a member?
who is interested in the activities of the oil and gas industry may become a member of the IPA Professional Division and receive the benefits of keeping up to date with the latest developments in the oil and gas industry as well as information on industry events and reduced costs for attending the annual Convention and exhibition
- How much does an individual IPA membership cost?
An individual membership cost is only IDR250,000 annually.