IPA Participate in the National Integrity Expo 2022
JAKARTA – Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) represented by Ethics & Compliance Committee (ECC) was invited by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to participate the National Integrity Expo to commemorate the International Anti-Corruption Day 2022 on 9-10 December 2022, at Gedung Bidakara, Jakarta.
The event was attended by more than 40 institutions, such as Ministries/ Institutions, Law Enforcement Agencies, State Owned Enterprise (SOE), Higher Education/ University, Regional Governments, and Associations including the IPA. Event was officially opened by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, K.H. Ma'aruf Amin. During the opening remarks, the Vice President emphasized that corruption is the main enemy of the entire nation as well as the implementation of good, clean governance and free from corruption are the key to overcome our nation obstacles on economic, political, social, and environmental aspects.
After the opening ceremony, event was continued with series of agenda such as awards, exhibition, seminars, auction of gratuities item, art performances, competitions, and anti-corruption short movies.
During the exhibition, the IPA booth presented a sharing session with several topics, namely: 1) ISO37001 Anti-Bribery Management System implementation, 2) risk management, 3) due diligence, 4) whistleblower system; 5) collaboration with relevant stakeholders such as SKK Migas, KPK, Transparency International, UNODC, Universities, and other relevant stakeholders on anti-corruption program.
The IPA participation on this event is very important due to several reasons, namely: 1) promoting the upstream oil and gas business transparency and permit simplification; 2) collaborating in combating bribery and corruption risks, and 3) contributing on efforts of creating conducive investment climate in upstream oil and gas sector.
More than 250 visitors came to the IPA Booth and participated in many booth activities such as sharing sessions on ethics and compliance, anti-bribery, and anti-corruption programs from the ECC – IPA members, games, and quizzes with attractive souvenir for the lucky winners. (*)